I’m sure that you’ve noticed that hiring and retaining talented employees isn’t so easy these days. As mentioned last week, I'm focusing the next few weeks of my blog on helping you enhance your hiring process.
This week, I’m providing some tips for improving the front end of the hiring process.
Streamline your process
Did you know that 3 out of 5 candidates drop out during the application process? Simplify it so this doesn’t happen to you! The days of filling out 5 pages of information online to apply for a job are gone!
Try to make the process comprehensive but streamline as much as can (i.e., don’t make candidates go through 5 interviews, make good use of their time).
Consider panel interviews where multiple interviewers can participate at the same time.
Use technology and AI to streamline parts of the process.
Determine what is REALLY needed for the job
Determine what education, work experience, skills, values, and other traits are REALLY needed for the job. We often tend to overstate qualifications which limits the candidate pool. And we may sometimes understate the qualifications which could result in hiring someone who isn’t set up for success. Be sure not to discount soft skills like critical thinking, a positive attitude, a good work ethic, etc.
Identify the Dealmakers and Dealbreakers Dealmakers - What are the common assets of people who have succeeded in the job? (skills, experiences, values, education, behaviors). Dealbreakers - What are the common deficits of employees who have not succeeded in the job? (unhelpful behaviors, conflicting values, counterproductive actions).
Create a compelling job posting
Have you seen those job postings that are 3 pages long and reference things like “the incumbent will” or “responsible for”? Doesn’t make me want to rush to apply! Sure, it’s easier to just post the job description – but they are boring and are not created to be a marketing tool for candidates (which is really what a job posting is).
The posting advertises the job and the company to potential candidates. It is typically shorter than a job description, has an engaging tone, and contains information about the job, benefits, values, and company culture. The posting should entice candidates to want to work for your organization.
Train your interviewers
Good interviewing doesn’t come naturally, it must be learned! I don’t know about you but I have been interviewed by some bad interviewers. Many of whom worked in HR. I remember one interviewer who hardly asked me anything. He talked the whole time and one of the only questions he did ask wasn’t legal!
Train interviewers on:
Biases and how to overcome them – as discussed in last week’s blog post.
Types of questions to ask – and what not to ask from a legal standpoint.
How to run an effective interview – putting the candidate at ease, mirroring, probing, listening actively, getting comfortable with silence, red flags, etc.